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African States
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IOM-ACBC Annual Report 2023

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The African Capacity Building Centre (ACBC) made remarkable strides in 2023, focusing on enhancing migration management

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Press Statement

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06.12.2023. Moshi, Tanzania. The IOM African Capacity Building Centre (ACBC) in coordination with the Government of the United

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Press Statement

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24.11.2023. Moshi, Tanzania. The IOM African Capacity Building Centre (ACBC), in partnership with the Kingdom of the Netherlands

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Our Center Develops Innovative Solutions!

Our Centre also focuses on developing innovative solutions and tools such as the PEPMII Mobile App


PEPMII Mobile Application

PEPMII Mobile App validates data integrity and passport holder of both Machine-Readable Passports (MRP’s) and e-Machine Readable Passports (e-MRP’s) in 3 steps

  • Scanning the Machine-Readable-Zone (MRZ) using the device camera
  • Read the IC in the passport using NFC (e-MRP’s) or automatically calculate the MRZ check digits (MRP’s)
  • Compares the IC picture with live picture, providing reliable matching information


Our five to ten days trainings are designed to build the skills and deepen the understanding and knowledge of African Member States on migration and border management. We provide basic and advanced trainings which can be supplemented by training of trainers (ToT) sessions to build a pool of experts across the continent who will be responsible for facilitating training rollouts at national or continental levels.

Our Courses

Our Team


African States are eligible to receive operational, technical and administrative support from the Centre and are encouraged to contact the Chief of Mission at the nearest IOM Country Office. The IOM ACBC, in coordination with the Chief of Mission at the respective Country Office, will identify and assess available solutions to be further discussed with the requesting State.