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Webinar N°07: Human Rights of Migrants as Anchored in International Migration Law – Implications for IOM’s Work

 25 November 2020 A human rights-based approach to migration governance increases the protection of migrants’ rights in transit, at international borders, and in their host countries. It guarantees sound and effective migration management. Human rights are the fundamental rights that every person enjoys regardless of their nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. Migration is linked to several human rights implications,…

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Webinar N°06: Return and Readmission

17 November 2020 As governments around the world responded to the sudden onset of the COVID-19 pandemic by closing borders, many migrants were left stranded without adequate resources or access to social services and at risk of overstaying their visas. Many others were compelled to return home too quickly, with mass deportations frequently carried out outside previously-agreed protocols which have placed considerable strain on governments in countries of origin and home communities, as well as…

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Webinar N°05 COVID-19: Migrant Regularization and other Measures to Address Irregularity

10 July 2020 COVID-19 has exacerbated the difficulties faced by migrants, in particular those who are irregular or who are unable to regularize their situation due to possible lock-down circumstances. Several countries in Africa have put into place measures that extend visa and permits, to prevent irregularity and extend regular stay. Nevertheless, migrants still identity other difficulties such as accessing documentation in order to regularize movement and stay. Many other forms of access…

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Webinar N°04 Covid-19 and its Impact on Migrant Smuggling in Africa

12 June 2020 COVID-19 has had an unparalleled effect on human mobility in Africa. Border closures and travel restrictions have brought to a virtual halt most forms of legal cross-border mobility. Nevertheless, with new drivers of migration and increasingly severe economic impacts on countries, individuals have continued to resort to irregular means including seeking the services of smugglers. This webinar will explore how migrant smuggling has changed as a consequence of COVID-19 providing an…

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Webinar N°03 Detention and Alternatives to Detention: Concept and Legal Framework

5 May 2020 Many countries consider detention as a migration and border management tool.  When States consider that detention is necessary, it is vitally important that their detention systems respect the rights of migrants and are compliant with international law, and that the needs of vulnerable migrants are identified and addressed. This webinar will focus on IOM’s active promotion of alternatives to detention and advocacy for the detention of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers as a…

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