05 December 2022 – The African Capacity Building Centre (ACBC) organized a blended-learning training on the Standard Operating Procedures for Frontline Border Officials at Points of Entry (POEs) on Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak as part of its Dutch-funded project « Enhancing African Member States Personnel’s Capacities to Respond to and Mitigate the Spread of COVID -19. The training, which brought together 20 officials from the Tanzanian Regional Immigration Training Academy (TRITA), the Kilimanjaro International Airport (KIA), the (Kilimanjaro) Regional Immigration Office (RIO), and the Holili-Taveta and Namanga One-Stop Border Posts (OSBPs), aims to improve frontline officers' abilities to reduce the risk of infection and transmission, as well as control and contain communicable diseases in Tanzania. The day-long training was divided into three parts: a face-to-face session on the link between migration and health, an e-modules session on COVID-19 Response at POEs developed by IOM, and a world café session in which representatives reflected on best practices at POEs, challenges, and needs to improve migration management in times of health crisis. The activity, which served as a refresher training, followed the first training organized on the same by the ACBC for the Holili-Taveta OSBP on April 7, 2021, and had the particularity of bringing together not only three of the country's most important entry points for people and goods, but also some of the first graduates from Tanzania’s new Immigration Training School in Tanga which opened in August 2022. On behalf of the Commissioner General of Immigration, Dr. Anna P. Makakala, the Immigration representatives thanked IOM for its unwavering support to the Tanzania Immigration through the IOM ACBC since 2009. They emphasized that the training's inclusive approach, which was for many the first of its kind, offered a great platform to learn from various agencies and, in particular, to share best practices. The training provided an opportunity for customs, health and police officers to become aware of the challenges faced at various POEs and to share expertise and solutions for better border management in times of health crisis in a way that does not impede free movement and trade. This training was funded by the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, which has been supporting the ACBC through its Repatriation and Departure Service (R&DS) since 2017. |
For more information, please contact: Melissa Tui - IOM ACBC Project Officer (Curriculum Development) mtui@iom.int